
Hi there!

Thanks for visiting my blog! My name is Tonya. I’m a licensed school counselor, a certified life coach and a writer. I also love to collaborate with fashion and beauty brands that make women look and feel their best.

Here’s a little bit more about me:

I’m currently writing my first novel (I can’t wait to share more about it) and I love blogging in my free time.

I originally started out with the blog Single Mom Chic. I used my experiences as a former single mother who climbed the career ladder and tried to live a chic life (on a budget) to inspire women to pursue their dreams no matter what. I also wrote a self-help book for single moms (years ago), and it’s still available at Amazon here.

But the reality is I’m not single anymore, and the content of my blog began to evolve beyond the subject of my original niche. I currently live in Virginia with my husband (who is a retired school superintendent), my daughter, my adorable Maltese Harley, and my cute Cockapoo, Paisley. I also have another daughter who lives in the DC area. And, thanks to her and my son in law, I have the sweetest little grandchildren a woman could ask for! Speaking of sweet, how cute is this photo of my granddaughter?

I now focus on self-help, fashion, beauty, and inspiring books for women over 40, but my posts really apply to all women.

I got my social media start by being a part of the very first Oprah Magazine Insiders group, and I’ve been fortunate enough to collaborate with several amazing and empowering brands ever since! 


My goal for The Real Chic Life is to create a community where women are inspired to choose happiness and follow their dreams. If you’d like to collaborate, book me for a speaking engagement, have a question or just want to say hi, shoot me an email at hello.smchic@gmail.com.


Tonya Parker

Tonya Parker is a certified life coach, author, licensed school counselor (MS.Ed) and social media influencer who has collaborated with many empowering brands. She is a 4th year brand ambassador for Oprah Magazine, and won the magazine’s very first O-verall Partner Award in 2017. Tonya was selected out of thousands of applicants for the Inspiring Women Spring Campaign for NYDJ in 2018 and she was SeroVital’s first Inspiring Women pick for 2020. She has been recognized for her ability to earn coveted brand partnerships as a micro influencer, and for her support of diversity and inclusivity for women over 40 on Instagram. She was recently featured on the Like To Know It Instagram page where she shared her thoughts on race, inclusion, and candid and courageous conversations with their 3.5 million followers. She is passionate about speaking to women on topics that help them look and feel their best and loves to share real style, beauty and life advice on her blog and Instagram page. 

7 thoughts on “About

  1. I can say without hesitation that my dear friend Tonya is a role model for many of the women she encounters in life including myself. Her confidence, sense of style, and purpose in life are qualities to admire and positively inspire those around her. I have just ordered her first book from Amazon and can’t wait to get my hands on it…and get it autographed of course! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Single Mom Chic Life Team,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Single Mom Chic Life has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 100 Single Mom Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 100 Single Mom Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


    Liked by 1 person

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